This form is no longer accepting submissions. We will announce our winners at Build It 2025 on March 5th & 6th. Thank you to everyone that submitted!
Categories are as follows:
- Most Outstanding Rosetta Hardscapes Project
- Most Outstanding Big Block Project
- Most Outstanding Lighting Project
- Most Outstanding Commercial Hardscapes Project
- Most Outstanding Residential Hardscapes Project
- Most Outstanding Retaining Wall
- Most Outstanding Commercial Masonry Project
- Most Outstanding Residential Masonry Project
- Most Outstanding MAC Metal Project
Prizes Include:
- 1st Place: $250 Tool Credit + Marketing Package (See below)
- 2nd Place: $200 Tool Credit
Marketing Package:
- Posts and stories on our King's Material and Midland Concrete Product accounts tagging the contactor.
- Project Highlight on our King's Material and Midland Concrete Products websites linking to the contractor's website.
- King's Material/Midland Concrete Products will run a Facebook/Instagram ad for you that links to your website. ($150 Value)
- Featured in the 2026 King's Material and Midland Concrete Products calendar.